Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dead Rat 3X

So i'm the first to admit that this post has many a floor:

Firstly the song i am allusioning (not sure if thats a word) to is Grinspoons "Dead CAT"
Secondly there is 4 pictures...3 of relevance
Thirdly i havent posted in a while and the best thing i could come up with is an animal that was super sad...
Fourthly - its quite obviously a mouse

However not all is bad...for all those kids who are tired with Morrissey and Alex Turner waxing poetic, here is some stimulating stuff

DCX3 (Dead Cat)
Dead cat three times
Bet it's out there on a highway line
You tried to deny all of it
I hang my head when I think
Dead cat, dead cat three times

Dead cat
You said that
Said cat three times
Dead cat

No school three times
Cigarettes, Sudafed for role call boys
They never really gave a shit
Apologetic hypocrite

Dead cat
Dead cat three times
Dead cat
Said that
Said cat three times

Dead, fuck, in, cat

Dead cat
Dead cat
Dead cat
Dead cat
Dead cat
Dead cat

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